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Brounce Family

The Brounce Family Site

Brounce Family Tree and Address List

The Brounce Family Tree documents the family of James Gordon Brounce and Alice Malpass Brounce. It was originally started by Janet Frankhouser Brounce in 1972, when the current annual Brounce Family Reunion tradition began. As of 2017, the current edition of the Brounce Family Tree is maintained by 2nd and 3rd generation descendants Gwen J. Brounce and Andrew P. Widdowson.

Here are some lovely words from Janet Brounce, about this transition:

This is the last Brounce Family Tree I will prepare, after 45 years of recording events for our tree, consisting of James Gordon Brounce and Alice Malpass Brounce and their descendants. For about 15 years before that, our branch was recorded as a part of the Family Tree of William Daniel Brounce and Martha Gordon Brounce, and of the Family Tree of Thomas Malpass and Eliza Lane Malpass.

Starting with this 45th Brounce Reunion in 2017, maintaining the tree and addresses, phones, etc. will be done by Gwen Brounce and Andrew Widdowson. They are excited about this and have been planning for it since Andrew’s presentation at the 2016 reunion.

It has been my pleasure and passion to seek and maintain family records over the years; to know from whence we came, and to preserve that knowledge for future generations. Thank you for allowing me to do that!!

Janet F. Brounce

Get a Copy

All descendants of James Gordon Brounce and Alice Malpass Brounce are most welcome to have a digital or printed copy of the Brounce Family Tree. Please send your contact information to [email protected] along with how you are related, so that we can authenticate your request.

Send your Updates

Family Tree updates

Please help us celebrate and commemorate life changes to the family in all its forms, by sharing information with [email protected]. For each event, we need the family member’s full name and parents’ names, the type of event, and the year, month (spelled out) and date of the event. For example “James Q. Sampleperson II was born on August 17th, 1965 to James Q. Exampleperson and Sarah X. Sampleperson.” If relevant, you can also include the location, for example “in Monongahela, Pennsylvania.” We would be grateful for information about births, adoptions, deaths, marriages and divorces in the Brounce family.

Address List updates

Have you moved to a new house? Has one of your kids moved into their own apartment? Did someone get a new cell phone? For all of these reasons and more, please share your latest contact information with [email protected], so that we can help send you annual reunion information and important family updates. We accept names, home addresses, home phone numbers and/or cell phone numbers, and email addresses.

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